Into the global Datahighway - with upstreamNet communications

Zero downtime and performance - in the Internet age availability and duration of interactions are essential to the success or failure of companies. According to studies in the United States 90 % of companies do not recover economically if they go without access to the Internet for more than two days.

upstreamNet, as a partner in AS8218, has therefore heavily invested in the network topology in order to guarantee our customers highest availability. With diversely routed connections from Vienna to Frankfurt and Vienna to Paris it is assured that even with a failure the customer must not to fear any service impairments in Austria. upstreamNet guarantees full redundancy for IP bandwidth.

As possible transfer points for IP transit are in Vienna next to the data centers RDH and ODC21 the locations University (VIX) and InterXion (VIX2) to choose from. All sites are fail-safe and via fiber optic cable and redundant system components with each other connected (dark fiber backbone). By AS8218 owned equipment at the major POPs (points of presence) upstreamNet offers its customers the possibility to be present at international hubs and is able to offer peerings and virtual LAN configurations for hundreds of kilometers.

Die Bandbreiten sind auf allen Anschlüssen frei skalierbar und können zwischen 1 Mbps und der physikalischen Obergrenze des Übergabeports bezogen werden. Dieses Übergabeport wird in der Regel als 10 Gbit Ethernetinterface ausgeführt. Für größere Bandbreitenanforderungen stehen Ethernet Ports bis zu 10 Gigabit zur Verfügung.

The recording and billing of used bandwidth is monthly based on the MRTG (Multi Routing Traffic Grapher) evaluations, with which the current bandwidth usage is measured and displayed in real time. upstreamNet charges after the 95 % model - only 95 % of the actual used bandwidth in unlimited data volumes is charged. Alternatively we offer as one of the very few upstream providers to bill after Average in order to respond to specific customer requirements.

IP transit includes:

  • Kundenübergabeport: 1 Gbit Ethernet / 10 Gbit Ethernet (100 Gigabit möglich)
  • IP addresses from the address range AS8218
  • DNS Server
  • Customer access to APAMS for equipment and bandwidth monitoring
  • Network Operation Center: 24 hours, 365 days a year as technical support

The international network AS8218 - facts and figures:

  • mehr als 1 Terrabit europäischer Traffic IP-Transit
  • mehr als 600 Gigabit transatlantische Kapazitäten
  • mehr als 800 Peerings und 200 Operatoren weltweit
  • IPv4 & IPv6 also MPLS at the main peering locations
  • Our main peering exchanges: Frankfurt, Paris, London, Brussels, Amsterdam, Vienna, Zurich, Madrid, Tokyo, New York, Palo Alto, Chicago, Ashburn